Beyond limits of architecture: Didactics in transition


Michela Barosio, Santiago Gomes presented a paper at the IXth Forum ProArch: TRANSIZIONI - L’avvenire della didattica e della ricerca per il progetto di architettura organized by the National scientific society of design teachers at the University of Cagliari between November 17 and 19 2022.

Cultural, social and economic changes, technological development and the emergence of new themes and increasingly complex questions have introduced profound changes in the dynamics of production (and re-production) of space, of the city, of the territory, leading to a redefinition of the roles of the different actors involved, thus determining a shift of boundaries between disciplines. In this context, architects, traditionally engaged in processes of physical practice, seem to follow diverse professional paths. Recent studies reveal how architecture graduates operate not only within that variety of practices, processes and modalities that we traditionally consider as a field of Architecture, but how they move in areas or fields apparently extraneous to the sphere we are accustomed to calling Architecture. These "trespassings" expand the disciplinary field of Architecture. A recent study by the RIBA has revealed that, in the UK, over 40% of architecture graduates work in sectors previously considered "other than architecture". At the European level, a similar result emerges from the Architecture's Afterlife research. In response to the requests of a sector in transition, we are witnessing an intense debate around the opportunity to proceed towards a reformulation of training courses by investigating the mismatches that these changes have generated between the skills required by society and the market and the set of soft and hard skills proposed in the curricula of architecture schools.