(Mis)matches between architectural education and practice

We invite you to the Third Multiplier Event of the Architecture's Afterlife Project, hosted by Politecnico di Torino on Friday October 1, 2021 (on-line) at 2:00pm-5:00pm CEST. The (MIS)MATCHES BETWEEN ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION AND PRACTICE invites representatives of the professional bodies of Architecture’s Afterlife partners’ five nations—Belgium, Croatia, England, Italy and Spain—together with experts on professional bodies’ policy in the EU Member States. In this event, we will talk about how the practice of architecture is mediated, organized, and regulated by national and international professional bodies; what are the competencies acquired in architecture education and requested by the profession; and how  “European” are the European professional bodies and the architect's practice that they represent.  

Join on Zoom: https://pratt.zoom.us/j/98237656851 


Welcome: Michela Barosio (Politecnico di Torino)



Introduction of Architecture’s Afterlife and Architects After Architecture: Harriet Harriss  (Royal College of Art)        



Latest Results of the Afterlife Survey on the Practice of Architecture (first flow) 



Presentation on Paths to Practices in Belgium, Croatia, England, Italy, Spain



Simon Allford President of RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects (UK)

Dirk Mattheeuws Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen (Belgium)

Isabel Navarro Colegio de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana (Spain)






Robert Loher Secretary of Chamber of Architects (Croatia)

Francesco Miceli President of the CNAPP National Chamber of Architects (Italy)

Georg Pendl President of ACE Architects’ Council of Europe






Final Remarks




Simon Allford is a British architect, co-founder and director of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, and chair of the board of trustees of The Architecture Foundation. He attended the University of Sheffield and the Bartlett School of Architecture, where he has since worked as a lecturer. In November 2013, it was announced that Allford would be the new chair of the board of trustees of The Architecture Foundation. In August 2020, Allford was elected to be the next president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, taking office in September 2021.


Georg Pendl is an architect who graduated dipl.-ing. from the University of Innsbruck; he has been leading his private office since 1986 and been CEO of Pendle Architects since 2004, whose main fields of work are social housing, private housing, renovation and reuse, industrial and commercial buildings, workshops, and passive house standard. Georg won several prizes in architectural competitions. He has been President of the ACE since 2018.



Francesco Miceli is an Italian architect and planner newly elected president of the Italian National Council of the Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Restoration Architects and the former President of the Board of the Architects of Palermo (Italy). He has been City Councillor for urban planning in Palermo. He is the founder and Director of FM Architetti from 1994. In his practice he deals with new languages and new disciplines, working on fields other than urban planning, landscape, architecture and researching new intervention models in respect of the context in which we operate. The experimentation of new technologies remains one of his main assets.



Robert Jonathan Loher was born in Munich in 1970. He obtained his diploma at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in 1998. Together with Branimir Rajčić and Petar Mišković, he received the annual Drago Galić Award for social housing in Đakovo in 2004. Between 2003 and 2006, he o+lived and worked in Slovenia in the offices of Bevk Perović and partnered with Andrej Mercina. In 2006 he partnered with Marko Cvjetko to form AG Planum, with whom he won the competition for the Varaždin Sports Hall, and since 2012 to 2020 partnered with Tomislav Pavelić. From 2009 to 2012 he worked as the head of the renovation of Rossi's hut in the Northern Velebit National Park, an extraordinary logistical and social endeavor which garnered critical acclaim both as process and result. From 2006 to 2009 he was web editor of the Zagreb Society of Architects portal and part-time assistant at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Since 2012 he has been cooperating in the Croatian Chamber of Architects, first as an external associate on certain programs, and since 2016 he heads the Program of continuous professional development. He is a guest lecturer at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty in Maribor since 2017. He has served as secretary of the Croatian Chamber of Architects since 2020.


Isabel Navarro Architect graduated from the School of Architecture of Valencia in 2004, she finished her studies at the University of Luisiada in Porto, Portugal,  where she completed her final degree project.Since 2005 she has had his own office together with the portuguese architect Hugo Costa, developing their work between Valencia and Porto.

She has completed the Phd program "Architectural heritage: history, composition and graphic studies" at the UPV and the Master of History of Art and Visual Culture at the University of Valencia, where she is currently researching Portuguese architecture in modernity to carry out the Final Master's Thesis.

In parallel to the professional activity, she continues to be linked to the teaching sector. Associate professor at the European University of Valencia between 2009 and 2013. Currently she teaches  History of Architecture in Valencia at the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture and at the Royal Valencian Society of Agriculture and Sports.

Since 2008 she has been a member of the board of the Territorial College of Architects of Valencia, where he has held the position of Vocal of Culture for six years and now holds the position of Treasurer.


Dirk Mattheeuws is a Belgian architect and president of the General Assembly of Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen (NAV), the most representative organisation for architects in Flanders, Brussels and Belgium. Within his architectural office ARW Architecten, Dirk is part of a multiprofessional team that tackles the guidance and implementation of projects and systems in urbanism, architecture, renovation, restoration and environmental quality. As president of the NAV, Dirk aims to support architects in working in multi professional teams and to help the sector to build in a sustainable manner through practices of circular building.